"This hard-hitting, fact-based documentary is a must-see for anyone who wants to understand the conflict and its distorted coverage in the corporate media." - —Deepa Kumar, Associate Professor, Media Studies, Rutgers University
1:30pm Richmond Friends Meetinghouse - 4500 Kensington Ave., Richmond, VA
“ AL HELM is a great piece of documentary filmmaking…… It is the first film to explore parallels between the civil rights struggles in the U.S. and the liberation struggles in the occupied Territories.” - Stephen Zunes, Professor of Politics, University
7 pm @ Eastern Mennonite University Center for Interfaith Engagement [1181 Smith Avenue, Harrisonburg, Virginia]
"This hard-hitting, fact-based documentary is a must-see for anyone who wants to understand the conflict and its distorted coverage in the corporate media." - —Deepa Kumar, Associate Professor, Media Studies, Rutgers University
12:30 pm @ Friends Meeting of Washington 2111 Florida Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.