How to Make a Revolution

Event Date
3pm EDT / 12 noon PDT

How to Make a Revolution

Born and raised in Hebron, Issa Amro has devoted his life to protesting and documenting human rights abuses in the West Bank-Occupied Territories. In 2016 he was detained and indicted by the Israeli state on eighteen charges spanning six years – including incitement, insulting a soldier, and protesting against military and settler violence. He was tried in the Ofer Military Court where the average trial takes 10 minutes, and where the conviction rate for Palestinians is 99.7%. Issa was acquitted of most of the charges and received a suspended sentence, only to find himself arrested and tried again – but this time, not by Israel, but by the Palestinian Authority. Based on verbatim transcripts, renowned Israeli playwright Einat Weizman and Issa Amro take a blistering look at the truth behind the headlines in this filmed version of an original staged production of How to Make a Revolution.                  

North American premiere screening. 

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            Einat Weizman – Tel Aviv - based actor, director and playwright

               Issa Amro – Human Rights Defender and founder of Youth Against Settlements

Miko Peled (moderator)Israeli-American author, human rights activist, and karate instructor

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The August 2022 VFHL Online Film Salon is co-sponsored by

Indiana Center for Middle East Peace