Home Front: Portraits From Sheik Jarrah

Event Date
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Getting beyond the sensational headlines and broad generalizations that normally dominate discussions of Jerusalem, Home Front captures voices rarely heard, of those struggling to stop settlement expansion in East Jerusalem and build a future of pluralism and equality in the city.

Featuring the accounts of a Palestinian teenager forced to give up half his home to Israeli settlers, an American-born Israeli mother who gets drawn into the demonstrations after her children’s arrest, a Palestinian community organizer who brings local women to the forefront of the struggle, and a veteran of the Israeli army who becomes one of the campaign’s leaders, Home Front chronicles the resolve of a neighborhood, and the support it receives from the most unexpected of places.

Miko Peled, Israeli American activist and author of The General’s Son: The Journey of an Israeli in Palestine and Injustice and  The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five will be the guest Moderator for the Q&A discussion.