Controlling the supply, distribution, and cost of water to an occupied people is apartheid in action. Israel, through legal and illegal means, maintains near-complete control over the region’s freshwater aquifers, severely restricting Palestinians’ abilities to drill wells, install pumps, build water tanks, or even collect rainwater. The average Israeli consumes over 3 times the water used by Palestinian on the water grid in the West Bank (9 times the water used by those off the grid). West Bank Palestinians pay 1/3 or more of their income to Israeli companies for drinking water. Meanwhile, Gazans are now consuming less than 3 liters per day—hardly enough for survival.
VFHL offers three short videos describing the “hydropolitics” and structural water apartheid in the Holy Land. Our panel discussion will explore designed inequalities in water distribution; the physical, economic and regulatory controls; as well as the ecological problems of pollution and over-extraction
Watch the videos for free at your convenience; Join the Q&A Discussion
Nancy Murray–Co-founder of Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine
Mazin Qumsiyeh–Director of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability
Eyal Hareuveni–Author, Parched: Israel's Policy of Water Deprivation in the West Bank
Jeff Halper - Israeli-American anthropologist, author, lecturer, and political activist; founder of Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)
Registration is required. Register here:
Watch the Trailer:
The March 2024 Online Film Salon is Co-Sponsored by:
Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine
SUPPORTER Organizations: Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) ♦ Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace ♦ Quaker Palestine Israel Network ♦ Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East ♦ Indiana Center for Middle East Peace ♦ Disciples of Christ Palestine-Israel Network ♦ Virginia Coalition for Human Rights ♦ Mennonite Palestine Israel Network ♦ Friends of Sabeel North America ♦ Center for Jewish Nonviolence ♦ Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network ♦ Northern New Jersey Jewish Voice for Peace ♦ United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network ♦ Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service ♦ Churches for Middle East Peace ♦ Kairos Puget Sound Coalition ♦ Pax Christi USA ♦ Jewish Voice for Peace – San Diego ♦